You and Me

A concertina/popup style kind of book about having connections between people whether you like it or not, and about the difficulty of open, honest communication.

It's difficult getting pictures to show the way the words inside link up, but there's a word on each square and depending which way round you open out the pages, they make one of the four phrases:

I don't know how much to show you

That is just the way it is

I didn't mean it that way

I think we'll be stuck forever


The Waste Paper Project…

What do you find important that no one else seems to care about?

Is there anything insignificant that seems important to others?

What have you taken for granted?

What would you get rid of?

These are the questions I've been asking people to answer in the 'Waste Paper Book'. I get them to rip their answer out, screw it up, and put it in the bin.

I'm posting more of the responses on http://www.secretstuffing.co.uk.

I'm also hoping to put a book together of them.


I've been making eggs for the Berghapton Sculpture Trail…

There will eventually be at least 50 eggs altogether. Each will have a phrase on relating to mistakes/being human and they'll all hang from a tree at the trail.

I've been trying to find out the best way of putting the text on – vinyl cut lettering seems the easiest and will look the most professional – have just got to decide if it's worth the money!

The eggs have all got lots of varnish on so they shold be strong enough to stand the wind and stuff, here's some pictures of the other day when I took a few there to try them out.