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My work last term consisted of a lot of experimentation in screen printing. I am trying to interpret the cliche representations of femininity alongside contrasting images of women in pornography. The concept behind this is that women are associated with delicate lace, pink, pastel colours, flowers and everything quaint and pretty. they always have been and always will be to some extent. The feminists fought for the right to be their own person and have women’s rights to be treated as equals to men, trying to pull away from this cliche feminine image. I’ve taken women from soft core pronography and shown how they are now using these rights and exploiting them as a means to make money, by selling their bodies to the male gaze.

I would like to question the audience on their views of this, is it acceptable for women to use their body and sexuality in this way, going against all that the femininsts fought for and giving it back to the men? Which is where bringing back the overtly feminine associations such as lace and flowers contradicts our views on women, are they delicate and sweet or are we missing the otherside which is the sexual, extrovert side that is able to use their body as sexual power?

I am still developing this concept to make it a strong message that is conveyed through the work, giving depth to the reading of the work. I aim to create a large scale screen print using these ideas to make the audience think about these issues and questions.