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Today I took a trip to Cambridge to see the Curwen Print Studios. We had a talk about the process of stone and zinc plate lithography from Mary Dalton which was really interesting. We also got to have a look through lots of artist’s work including Paula Rego, Stanley Jones and Rolf Harris’s print from his Rolf on Art tv series.

We’re going to have an induction into stone lithography so that we can learn the process after hearing about it and seeing what you can make today at the studio. We’re going to create a special collection box of all the prints that we make. As we’re only going to do black ink I think I will create a screen printed colour background to print onto with the stone litho. I would also like to try colouring it in by hand maybe with watercolours afterwoards as well just to see the different effects that you can create.

I love learning a new printmaking skill and it was such a good introduction to the process seeing some famous artist’s prints and of all different styles coming from an amazingly skilled technician who creates their multiple edition copies.