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Yesterday I spent a few hours mixing up colours and trying to choose between shades of grey for my final piece.

My world is looking fairly monochrome after staring at so much grey but I have finally settled on a colour and got everything ready to start printing now! Just need to finish exposing my 18 screens!!

The printing begins next week and is going to take quite a while because not only will it be difficult to store each of the boards somewhere to dry (they’re too big and heavy for the drying racks) but also because for each panel I am using a different screen so I will be spending a lot of time setting up and cleaning down for 1 pull of the print with fingers crossed that it comes out perfectly each time because if it doesn’t it’ll be a quick wipe down and then having to repaint it with primer and wait for it to dry and be sanded down again before I can reprint it.

I’m going to London next week to see the Lucian Freud exhibition which I am looking forward to. I’m going with a friend who is a portrait painter and makes very traditional work; I’m then taking her to an exhibition in Camden to see some completely different work. We’ll be going to The Art of Front exhibition in a pub in Camden, 18 artists have taken a cover of Front magazine (a kind of alternative lads mag) and turned them into 2 colour screen prints which they are selling for the Keep A Breast campaign. Not only is this using the same photos of girls that I have been using but also using screen printing to transform them into a new piece of artwork, it couldn’t be more perfect.

Although I take these photos and turn them into rather stylised drawings, placing them into feminine and feminist contexts whereas these are kept for the male audience in an alternative venue, with the same attitude and audience as targetted for the magazine readers – I think it fits really well with the work I’ve been doing. It will be the first exhibition that I’ve been able to see so directly related to the work I have been doing throughout my last 2 years at uni and will be great as some primary research. I’m really looking forward to seeing it and have managed to get the press release and some extra info sent to me as well.