Viewing single post of blog Notes From New York

grrrr. i just wrote a long and very eloquent blog introducing you to ‘Writing From Live Art’ and telling you how three of the initiative’s writers (myself, Mary Paterson and Rebecca May Marston) have confirmed funding from the Arts Council of England going to New York for a month to work with the Performa 07 Festival (27 october – 21st november 07 ) on their ‘Writing Live’programme…but the website just ate my blog, so thats all gone, which is a shame, because it really was a good blog! …..


Anyway, Ill be back to update you with the project again soon- for now there’s lots to do and plan; we have been holding off making big plans for ‘Writing Live ‘ until we heard back about the money and now the 27th october is only just around the corner! …now , where did i put my passport…