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Being moments away from crashing due to servere exhaustion brought on by the degree show up's and down, I thought i was take a second to relay some thoughts I have been having of late.

Degree show private and business view done and dusted, already becoming distant memory I am allowing myself some mental breathing space, wallowing in a small glimpse of pride and accomplishment.

My work, challenging to create and manage, required constant invidulation to control the flow of people in and out. This meant that myself or one of my very helpful first year chums were never out of ear shot from people leaving the ominus room I had created. Possitivity just courses through convosation to my absolute suprise. Sometimes I forget that I am (was) at university, on an Arts Course that I can do, I have made achievements and tackled goals. It is validation of the last three years which have become such a big part of who I am. It is just fantastic to know that what you do has worth. Of course I did hear one girl remark 'I don't like this' upon leaving but you cannot win them all!

Dispite crippling problems with our catalogue not being made in time, the show went down so smoothly, pleasantly ending a truely amazing three years. I can only hope the future holds such good fortune, pride and success. I strongly advise viewing the Nottingham Trent Degree show 2009, the best we have ever had.