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Mid-point has been and gone and now all I feel myself doing is writing and researching rather than making; I am seriously considering which is best.

My brain power feels phenomenal at this time yet I struggle to see what I am going to make for the degree show. I suppose it is only a matter of perseverance and experimenting on a more controlled scale compared to before the midpoint. But I feel like I am forced to know EXACTLY what I am going to show for the degree – there are so many ideas in my head that have potential.

And what confuses me most is a lack of things I want to see out there in galleries/performances. I am hoping the show at the ceri hand gallery in liverpool ‘spasticus artisticus’ will be relavent to my work, and something I can write about. All the things that inform my work lately is seemingly society itself. Perhaps I am worrying too much?

Lately there is one thing I am doing a lot of, and thats complaining, arguing with myself and annoying others about the concept of the art and design boundary. I struggle to see sense why it is there at all. It is only limiting creativity if we make this boundary.

I am constantly looking for a definition of art and I recently read Sagmeisters ‘made you look’ monograph in which he makes a comment on Brian Eno’s idea: Art should not be seen as an object it should be seen as a trigger for experience. It is something that happens, it is an experience not a quality.And I cannot begin to explain how I relate to this.

I think it is more because I am worried how people perceive my work. Do they label it graphic design, or Art? I find myself trying to justify the whole thing , however I find myself arriving at the same point constantly; my work is an experience for myself and the viewer, so then, why should it have this label, and why should this label stop my work being a successful experience?

Anyway thats enough of that for now, more posts later.

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