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For the past few weeks we on the publicity team have been busy establishing a network of social media strands that will hopefully give an insight into the preparation process of putting on the degree show, and as a result encourage many to visit the final exhibition in May.

Despite being three Twitter-phobes and none of us owning a smartphone, we’re gradually getting to grips with our brand new Twitter account, and have enlisted help from a fellow student who’s happy to post the ups and downs of their busy studio practice.

As well as our contributions to the a-n blog here, where we continue to post interviews of our fellow students about their individual progress with degree show work, we’ve also established a visual blog for images of work in progress and studio shots. It might not quite be Damien Hirst’s studio webcam, but we hope it will give an inside view and taster of work to come – a virtual version of the almost obsolete studio visit.

We’ll keep you updated!


