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Interview with Mita Vaghela:

What’s your role in the organisation of the degree show?

I’m the mum of the degree show! I oversee the organisation of it as a whole, crucially making sure everyone gets heard and we make democratic decisions. I’ve organised shows before, so I also identify what needs to be done and make sure we’re on track as a group! I’ve also been involved in finding potential sponsors for the show.

What are you currently working on?

I’ve found an object that I want to work with, these collar ‘stoffers’, I’m working with these as well as other disposable packaging materials I’ve got hold of in bulk. The theme I’m working with is the worth of the Indian woman. These shirt clips and collar stoffers reflect the remnants of what a man would wear, and hark back to when women would eat their husband’s leftovers.

Previously you were concerned about the need to include a social aspect to your work. Have you resolved this?

Mainly, I want the piece to be thought-provoking and instigate conversation. I really like participatory work, but I really feel the need to make an object for this work.

All my past projects seemed disparate at first, but I realised I have been bringing objects and subjects together. And I keep coming back to the human condition, the way we behave and perceive. The work is my own personal response to the world that I’m living in.

What are you thinking of showing in the final exhibition?

I’m planning to sew the collar stoffers together to form a sari, with possible gold and silver embellishment. I’ve also been making jewellery with the other transparent packaging materials, I’m hoping to eventually have a complete wardrobe of what an Indian bride would wear. I plan to hang the sari and project a film onto it, possibly an Indian bridal scene or an image of the joining of hands in the marriage ceremony.

What difficulties have you encountered in the process of making your degree show work?

I’m also concerned with aesthetics, and I wrote my dissertation on the role of beauty. I want the piece to look good, but not for the sake of it. I make decisions about the work and then refine it, I’ve realised that the work has to be meaningful for me.