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Interview with Sophie Lamb

So Sophie, can you please discuss the current processes you are using, what inspires you and what are the themes in your work?

Umm..I’ve been doing a lot of printmaking and etching. I am looking at the symbolist work and making my own allegorical narratives. They are quite dreamlike. I look at Egon Schiele.

What attracts you to his work?

I love the stark graphic nature. He was very clever in his use of negative space. And drew beautiful elbows.

Do you think it’s purely aesthetic qualities that attract you ?

No, of course it’s not just the formality.. they are so charged with vitality and secrecy. Ambiguity is important. Those are subconscious undercurrents.

How are you planning to develop your work from now?

I have the beginnings of compositions and fragments of pieces. It’s just the matter of working up more resolved plates.

For etching?

Yes. I’d like to, if I have the time, make some oil sketches, in colour.

What size?

Big enough to wrap your arms around.

What did you find most difficult and most successful so far?

I think the biggest difficulties were to stay focused and not throw in the towel at this stage. But it’s such an exciting prospect to see through the culmination of three years work. It’s a joy to see disparate strands coalesce and resolve into work I want to show.

Interviewed by Mariya Zherdeva