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The last week has been a mad week for preparation and organisation for the degree show, about 6 weeks away now! Despite the massive task ahead it seems like we’re on track for a spectacular show and there’s starting to feel a bit more of a buzz in the building and the studios.

We’ve got a timeline in place of the weeks remaining before the degree show, with plenty of tasks stuck on the corresponding weeks with their deadlines and the person responsible for each one. Something we’d probably been avoiding for too long, but now it’s all up in the studio and we can see exactly how much time we’ve got left and what needs to be done each week.

We’re just finalising the press release, and deciding on the press images. The catalogue’s well on track for printing in April, the private view mail invites are being sent off to print, our adverts are set to be published next month and we just need to work on the elusive mailing list for sending out email invites to the show.

Through our open studios this last Monday and by chatting to first and second year undergraduates, we’re building up a list of those interested to get involved with the preparation of the building and installation of work, as well as on the evening of the private view itself.

Just got to make time for our own practice in between all of that!