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I’ve been building some little things out of cardboard and cellophane and painting on them, they are just small models at the moment to see how they sit with my ideas. One of them is made from 4 small frames that have some cellophane attached and that have been painted on. I kind of like it and I’d like to build a full size one, so that it is a painting that you can walk into and move around in.

I later moved onto a larger model, using polythene instead of the cellophane, it isn’t as transparent, a bit more ghosty. It was hanging from my ceiling with some tape, looking rather fragile and sorry and I thought it was a bit of a joke and just left it and went home. Today the structure was found fallen, half over a small stool and half on the floor, all deformed and broken. I’ve started 2 big drawings of it/from it. It is far more interesting now having fallen. It looks like a sorry sight. Maybe I will make a series of drawings of the structure as it is rehung and brought back to life.

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