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I haven't updated the blog for a while due to holiday and lots of other activities taking precedent.It's good to be posting another message.

While I was away, I had a handmade postcard put through my letterbox. The writer, Mr. Pigeom expressed an interest in the Pigeon Hole project because he had previously documented pigeons whilst living in a flat above shops in Leominster. There had been alot of pigeon activity around his flat; pigeons visiting the person, a nursing ward for an injured pigeon and sexual relations occuring on the window sills. This person viewed the pigeon as intriguing, intelligent and fascinating.

We began to exchange email messages and experiences of pigeon culture. One of the first Messages said "Appropriately enough I'm sat in the library on the computers and someone just crept up the stairs and whispered 'pigeon…' in my general direction! Yes, I'd be interested ! Is it an ongoing project or and end in itself? As i mentioned on othe facebook message, I had this feeling like Harry Haller stood outside the magic theatre in steppenwolf, steppenpidj more like. "

It was really great to have a spontaneous dialogue with someone in the same town who I'd never met which has come out of this previously empty space. Initially I've not publicised the space because I wanted to see what would happen. That was quite hard because my professional art head said I should but my gut instinct said I shouldn't. The intention was that Pigeon Hole should be a kind of intervention, which can be explored in many different ways. In the first instance I intended it to be installed in the space to see what would happen. Subsequently, it will be open for others to place work in.