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Plymouth University’s fine art degree courses are based on two sites within Plymouth, the university campus and Royal William Yard. Our MA is on the main campus which makes it easier to access the rest of the university’s facilities but you should ‘google’ Royal William Yard and you’ll see what a stunning location this site is!

Anyway, within room 101, yes they had to put the art students into that room, we share a space with a few joint honours and final year BAs but the majority of the students there are first years. It has been a very noisy, active envirnoment this year and at times a little distracting when you are trying to focus on your work. They had their assessment and show last week so are off for the rest of the summer. However, now the second years move in from down the yard to put up their show, followed by the third years afterwards. Then at the beginning of July we take over the space again to put our show up. Lots of activity in the following few weeks! I have to move out of my space to make way for the upcoming shows and am moving in with fellow final year student Matt at the other end of the studios. The first year MAs have their assessments next week and finish for the year so they will vacate the studios soon. Some of the other final year MAs have their own studios at home so it shall be Matt and I busying away towards our final show amidst all the chaos of BA shows going up.

I am currently developing a website for our MA group show and taking as many tips from a-n about promoting and making the best out of our show!