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It’s a gorgeous day in Cornwall but I am currently indoors working on the second draft on my MA project report.

The final unit for the MA is called the project and alongside the work in development for the show we are writing a 6,000-8,000 word report. Initially it felt like a huge undertaking but after doing a 3,500 word proposal for what I wanted to do then twice as much to write about what I did do is not that much. In fact I have reached 7,500 so far and haven’t quite scratched the surface yet! Lots of hard editing though and I will eventually get it right.

I am actually enjoying the process and am finding that it is delving deeper into the understanding of my work more so than I would ever have achieved otherwise. Also the the MA project is not just a case of making a body of work then just writing what you did, it is rather a research based project.

My initial aims were to create a series of object-based work through which I would explore representations of biomedical interventions and treatments of the obese body. A related aim was to investigate the vocabulary of domestic found objects used within my art practice and research how they function as mimetic, metaphoric, metonymic and anthropomorphic devices in referencing the human body. I feel I have achieved this but have done quite a bit that has expanding on this. For example in my exploration of the body I focused my attention on the internal but this led me to explore the relationship of how this impacts on the external so I have also looked at the materiality of the fat female skin.

The writing process is also helping me to refine and edit a great amount of works I have made over the previous months to create a conhesive show.

Right, back to my report writing!