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Good afternoon!

It’s another glorious day here in Cornwall, a continuation from a lovely bank holiday weekend. I managed to get up to the Spike Island open studio event in Bristol on Saturday, then yesterday a walk with the children at Tamar Valley Trails. Now they are back to school and it’s time for me to return to my work.

I haven’t really done much on my project report since I last posted. I think I have been in a sort limbo following the recent interim assessment. However, I received the feedback today and this has spurred me on. It was great to get such amazing comments on the progress and strengths of the work. I normally do take post assessment (whether this is summative or formative) as a breathing space before going head-on into the work again. Incubation is a really good form of learning and development. This is the main reason I chose this new MA as I wanted to not complete it in just a few months! To really get the most from the MA you have to have the time to allow the thoughts and processes develop. For me this has worked exceptionally well and I am feeling ready for the show coming in just a couple of months now.