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Haven’t had anything interesting to write here for the last few days, been working on my project report, didn’t want to keep telling you all about that.

It has been briefly interrupted as I prepare my poster presentation for the Weight Stigma conference at Birmingham University this Thursday. I mention it here as a particular aspect of my MA show includes the research work I have done for this conference and others. The stretch-mark work, you may have noticed images in previous posts, is an arts based research project which I investigate the materiality of the fat female skin through a series of machine embroidered textile pieces. I won Plymouth University’s equality and research grant to complete this work and to attend a conference back in March at York University.

So it’s all go and tomorrow we are having a studio shift. The BA students are taking over most the space now to put up their show. I have been very lucky to have a big studio space the last few months and like a goldfish I have grown to fit my bowl. So it’s gonna take a bit of downsizing and shifting unnecessary materials back home to squeeze into my new space. It might help to refine the work anyway as I have made soooo much work recently.