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Last week saw the start of the installation and unfortunately I couldn’t be there for the beginning of the week but luckily my lovely peers worked on rebuilding and painting the whole of the space, including mine. On top of the reasons I couldn’t be there, I felt terrible that I wasn’t able to help, but comforted by how much time I had already contributed through the website and flyer design. I got to the space later in the week and started selecting the works for inclusion. Getting them out of the studio and into the neutral space helped me to refine this selection even further. I curated a basic sketch of the work quite quickly, using a couple of works which I knew were definitely going in a certain location and so I worked from there.

I haven’t finished the installation yet and still have bits of tweaking to do for the majority of the work and there are two pieces I simply can’t resolve the display of yet. I am due to go in today to work on those, I have just today and tomorrow to do so, but have not been to sleep at all, so don’t know what to do! Being over a 50 mile round trip I don’t like to risk going in as I don’t know if I’ll be fit enough to drive home later in the day with no sleep! But do I have much choice? I am also worrying about what state I’m going to be in by Wednesday, my assessment! Between now and then I have to write my evaluation of the works I have put in the show. I think I worry too much and don’t get enough sleep because of this. Then, I worry about worrying and worry about not getting enough sleep and so the cycle continues. I have no way of rectifying this right now, just to keep going and I then think I shall sleep for the whole of August!