Viewing single post of blog Post Industrial Revolution Gdansk residency

the editing took a bit of playing with until i was happy with it, and it ended up being more than rushed. usually i take a couple of weeks, at least, to get to a happy place with it but because of the time it took to organise the boat end of things i had 4days to play. i had a take1 version that worked projected on the cube but it came down to the pv day for me to to get to the final version and at 3o’clock realised that the disc burned was take1. i figured out in the emergency taxi back to the house to pick up the mac what had happened in the dvd burning programme, and hurridly created a finalfinal version that worked, at 18.01, the pv started at 18.00!

this frantic stuff slightly took my mind off my performance. i had written new lyrics relavent to gdansk and the shipyard to the tune of shipbuilding by elvis costello, for some reason i told the curators of this. which resulted in them asking me to sing it at the pv. for some reason i cannot now resist rising to a challenge. now i do not regard myself as a performance artist, more like a performative video maker, and have never sung/performed live infront any sort of audience and if i do it at home there are complaints. so matt learnt the tune and we wangled a guitar, we practised twice and let it loose at the pv. matt was great i apparently was in a different key. i did not die and the audience didnt throw things. stefanski – the equivilent of billy bragg of the shipyard – sang an old solidarity song to a new tune, and then did a couple more which made me forget about my hash of things.

im back home now, but my head is still in gdansk.