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Its been a while, so without further ado, let the blogging commence…

Our arguably insane idea of preparing a gallery space and setting up an entire exhibition (containing the work of 25 artists) in 5 days actually worked. All was ready in time. Just.

Of course we could not have done it without our band of happy helpers (thanks to Jo Lister, Rebecca Turbin, Adam Hyde, and Deselena Edwards for being particularly helpful helpers)

So the show was up and running for Saturday 29th, and our first day well exceeded our expectations. We had over 200 visitors in an area with notoriously low footfall, and sold a painting (congrats Joanna Burton) (and woohoo!)

The people of West Bromwich have been amazing and embraced the show and it’s concept entirely. It seems they are very happy to have a little sprinkling of creativity and vibrancy in their shopping centre. Except for the very few grumbling ones who’s immediate response to everything is instinctively negative.

To be honest this air of pessimism is both understandable and somewhat expected: Once upon a time, the Queens Square Shopping centre was great. It was the pride of the region. Built in the late 60s it was one of the first “indoor shopping centres” to be built. It was state of the art. Cutting edge. Brand New.

Thing is, it never changed. It got stuck in its glory age while the rest of the world moved on. What remains now is a bit of a sad sight. Most of the units are empty, and all the vitality the centre once had has been lost to that irksome thing called time. And so all that optimism and pride was zapped, or rather, eroded away.

And the very miserable truth is that this story is strikingly similar for hundreds of town centres around the country (big sad face)

Which is where we step in with our shiny new art things (and a few pots of white emulsion) to save the day. Well, not save it exactly, but make it a little more cheerful least. (We hope). Because, as my very brilliant (west Bromwich-ean) Grandfather used to say : “a change is better than a rest”. Which I very much agree with, even if the change is only temporary.

So this, boys and girls, is what us creative types can do to help in our own little way. Plus get our work out in the real world at the same time. Sounds like a plan indeed.

P.S. I find it necessary to point out that for West Brom its not all doom and gloom, because the whole town is now standing on the brink of a brand new shiny age of brand new shiny things. The whole area is being regenerated and modernised; moving into the future by re-claiming its past. (for more information on this citin stuff see http://www.regenco.co.uk/)

That, for now, is that

And well done for reading all the way down here :-)