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I had the pleasure of reading the first draft of Kenn Taylor’s text for the exhibition on Sunday. Kenn wrote the piece after accompanying McCoy Wynne (the partnership of Steve McCoy and Stephanie Wynne) on a visit to their next ‘Trig’ point – their 25th Primary Triangulation point. There are 314 in Great Britain. McCoy Wynne intend to visit them all.

Kenn’s text draws on his rich background in journalism and offers an outside perspective into the complexities of the ambitious 5 year project. Speaking to Steve and Stephanie about their ideas at the beginning of the project, they were keen to dispel any associations with it being simply about ‘capturing’ the trig points on camera. For them, the project covers much more:

‘Even though the location of each pillar is well documented, there is still a heightened sense of exploration and anticipation based on the uncertainty of access, weather conditions and the disparity between “the real” and the “abstract” of the map view.’

What Kenn’s text does is make these processes explicit. His prose weaves the act of orienteering with soundbites of McCoy Wynne openly discussing their own thoughts and ideas in transit; fears about the visit are expressed in the face of adverse weather. Kenn’s position as an observer in this process allows him to provide analysis and untangle the different thoughts processes driving the project.

Our crowdfunding campaign has just gone past the half way mark now. We have raised £415 – 46% of our total. A great amount of support. However as we tip into the latter part of our crowdfunding campaign, we obviously need to keep the momentum going.

As ever, any support in helping us realise this goal would be massively appreciated: http://www.sponsume.com/project/processing-newspaper