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We are just about to enter into the last five days of our crowdfunding campaign to raise money to print a newspaper for Processing Since my last post at the end of April, we’ve reached a fantastic £800 of our overall total of £900.

What has been ever more amazing is that 52 people – a heady mix of friends and strangers – have contributed to the campaign. 52. That’s quite a number and very generous people. Even if we fail to hit £900, something that would be disappointing having come this far, then I consider this alone is an achievement.

The campaign has also given me some rich experience of how crowdfunding works. While I made sure to research what makes a good campaign, using resources such as an article by Emily Speed on a-n, before jumping in, I held onto a degree of pessimism before starting. Without any real social benefit outside of the project, I often feared; who would fund us? As this evaporated, I have picked up numerous valuable lessons ‘on the job’. I hope to share these on this blog after the campaign has finished.

Today I will be working on the design for the newspaper; the firmest indicator of the shift from the intangible coffee shop discussions of the last few months.

It would be extremely rude to continue my recent trend of ending my posts with a link and asking you to consider donating. This time I can say that you can help push us over the edge:
