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I have just got a studio at Coachwerks in Brighton. This blog was started when I gave up my last studio due to full time employment (as an art technician), so this feels momentous!

I started to move in while preparing for Small World and I have now got to a stage where 90% of my art stuff is there. It has been a massive sifting and shifting process! I literally had every nook in my house bursting with materials and equipment, sketchbooks, books, paper, ideas. It felt like the walls were closing in (my bedroom had started to resemble a skip) and now (hooray!) that is over.

So having a studio has a double benefit. One, I have reclaimed my house, cleansed my bedroom, made more space for living in.

Two, I have all my art equipment organised and accessible, with space to make things, muse and leave work in progress out to return to. The last point is crucial; this feels like big transition; to be able to follow through with ideas in a space without interruption.

When packing I found about six books with half started projects in them. This was exciting! No dreadful blank first pages; ideas I still like; waiting to be explored.

So I returned to my diver.

I have found lots of synchronicity in the pages and images I have been sorting through. I want to use my next few visits here (in the virtual) and there (in the studio) to examine some of the projects and preoccupations as points of departure.