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My parcel of goodies has arrived..

The clockwork motor is the most exciting item; it is beautiful. I bought it on a whim really, but as I have ambitions for my sculpture to whirr it seemed like a good idea. I like the fact that I can see exactly how it works, there is no mystery, no digital chip or ellusive wiring – its simple and functional yet delicate.

Based on these thoughts, my next step is to see if I can scale it up and construct one of my own. The basic principle is that you wind up the handle, which in turn tightens a coil and then after a little delay the energy you have built up is pushed back out again from the coil into a little cog system which turns a metal rod. (this rod could be attached to anything)

So, supposing the handle was some bicycle pedals, and the coil was much bigger, then there is a possiblity of this powering part of my sculpture. (i'm not envisaging a sit on bike as part of my sculpture, though, I'm more thinkijng that the pedals would act like the handle on a mangle)

I like the idea of having the audience triggering some of the movement, that they have to invest some energy into it.

Along with the clockwork motor, I got a selection of pulleys. It immediately occurred to me that the pulleys were exactly like the bicycle wheels, as they have a channel around them too, where the inner tube fits. All I need is some sort of belt system.

I'm still musing on magnets. But for now all I need to get going is some time, so i'm trying to arrange that.