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Velocity UK

One of the recordings has been selected for inclusion in Velocity – Festival of Digital Culture in Lancashire, UK. The work will be available as a podcast within a group of selected sound works designed to be heard during a train journey around the Morecambe Bay area. The selection will be available from 25th October at http://www.folly.co.uk/


The work is entitled Jing Shan Park 01 [detail].

– A group of women gather under the trees of Jing Shan Park, central Beijing, to sing together in the afternoon heat. Using pre-recorded instrumentation from traditional songs and microphones to amplify their voices, the women attract an appreciative audience. High above in the trees and competing for sonic attention are two groups of cicadas. These cicadas are common in Beijing and are known locally as hei za chan [roughly, black noisy cicada] and hui gu [roughly, dedicated group of insects] –

I was particularly interested in including work from Beijing in this exhibition as a small form of acknowledgement of the tragedy that struck there in 2004, where 23 Chinese cockle pickers were killed in the fast morning tide and quicksands. See the Guardian link at http://www.guardian.co.uk/china/story/0,,2106950,00.html