Having re-engaged with my practice due to the Artist Teacher Scheme, I am now continuing my journey through the M.A. in Arts Practice and Education. Time to take a deep breath…and here we go!


Well, a bit of a cluncky start. Has taken me ages to work out what to put on my very first attempt at a blog and then how to word it. It’s been a long weekend of much prolonged thinking and I need to put into words where I plan to tread next, before I forget!

My Millstone ruff I created for the ATS is silently indicating from across the room that it needs to evolve.

For this I used images of my rather untidy house to print on paper then fold, cut up and then thread each strip together to create my restrictive garment. I wanted to make something beautiful or slightly longer lasting from this fleeting situation or moment in my domestic life.

So what next! Still the same investigations into those repetitious tasks of a thankless nature but as my tutor has outlined, maybe it’s time to try and explore the paper components in different forms?

As well as the phrase ‘A millstone round my neck’ my mother often repeated that she needed ‘the patience of a saint’ , I now know the feeling..maybe a halo then?

Or I could use the spaces in my house that would temporarily be taken over by my work and photographed in the process of this unusual triumph. This would document, on each component, the regular take over my family exercises with their stuff within these spaces and then of course are left to me to spirit away as if by magic. I am particularly sensitive about my mantlepiece (don’t know why) but this is a regular family fly tipping area, I have some wonderous photo’s of this crime. I will upload when I feel brave enough.

I will need to photograph the outcomes in situe and I think a decent camera may well be on the list for Christmas!

First and foremost, and as my tutor has suggested, I will need to make a series of new components and see where they take me. Housework, camera and paper, lead on!!