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Creativity in a Collapsing World Economy (2)

I think that in the world of visual art, the recession hit well before it hit the rest of the country. It can be viewed as a crisis. But on the other hand, it adds to the challenge when you have to juggle being creative with making ends meet.

Its easy to become despondent in the downturn. But I try to keep positive.

My advice to artists experiencing the recession? 1.Never give up. 2. Never become discouraged. 3. Streamline costs. 4. Pay off debts. 5. Cultivate calm. 6. Learn a new skill. 7. Have faith that art is needed now more than ever.

In terms of art work I’ve been completing outstanding projects rather than starting new ones. But I haven’t stopped being creative. I think about art a lot, plan work. I do something creative everyday. And then, of course, there’s this research into creativity project.