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Tomorrow! Beginning to panic!

The fire sculpture is progressing to schedule. Last week the kids helped me to paint flameproof varnish on the wooden frame. I’m not sure how well this stuff works, I’ve never tried it before, but several pyro enthusiasts assure me it will stop the frame “going up”, though won’t stop it from scorching. Oh, scorch marks will simply add authenticity to the remnants when I auction them off as “artefacts”. Ha ha.

Yesterday, Chris brought in the beautiful “baby sun” she has made, for incorporation into the fire sculpture. We attached it onto the wooden frame. This was the last item preventing the permanent fixing of the shroud to the frame, which we proceeded to do. “No Nipples” exclaims Chris. Ah, now, this will be rectified in style, you’ll have to wait for the video to find out how.

Today we’ve been preparing the anchor points for the fire rope. The latter, with fuses already tied on, is now soaking in a bucket of paraffin, and should be ready to tie on first thing tomorrow, when the sculpture will be fixed in place in the performance space. Once that’s done, it’s just a question of tying together a little network of fuses at the back of the sculpture, and then getting my son to make up a 10 metre super-fast fuse for remote ignition. OK, I could use electric igniters or even wireless igniters, which are probably cheaper, but fuse is much more fun!

Today has been about setting up the performance space. Up until 1976 this was a tennis court, now a wonderfully flat little wooded area. In the morning a friend and supporter joined us to help with clearing off leaves, which disguised various hazards such as rocks, small logs, broken glass and other nasties. Then remaking steps down to the area, and mowing down nettles while Chris put together some simple lanterns. I wanted to make some really nice hand-painted lanterns, but time has run out – glass jam jars will have to suffice. Finally we erected the gazebos which form a primitive stage area for the “nativity play”.

Afternoon, I found myself on my own again, struggling to hang a flood-lamp so as to illuminate the steps down to the stage area without dazzling everyone. Also, untangling fairy lights.

Which brings us up to this evening, and the preparation of the fire rope and fuses, and then touching up the photos to post here.

Tomorrow is going to be very busy. The event starts at 5. The one and only rehearsal of the play, poetry, dance and music happens at 4. Before then I’ve got to get the house sorted for the party afterwards, and for guests who are staying overnight. And get the lighting finished. And get the decorations in place round the performance area. And get the video and camera equipment set up. My son has promised to abscond from his Mum’s to help with this. And, of course, the whole point of this event: Put the fire sculpture in place.

This should be possible, given the promise of further help from Chris and a couple more friends/supporters after lunch.

Given the demands of work – I’ve been putting all my customers off for the last couple of weeks, so masses of computer work to get done before Xmas – and Christmas itself – I haven’t done anything about presents yet – and taking the kids on holiday for New Year – and the increasingly complicated process of buying this house – I’m unlikely to get any of the photos or videos processed and online before the end of January.