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The Boating Pond At Alexandra Palace Park


There is nothing quite like snow and ice for pushing vision into stark contrasts, or perhaps its got something to do with my current state of mind. The work I have been preparing for Roy’s People Art Fair over the last few weeks has had this as a back ground. Playing with the fact that along the Southbank there are a series of buildings which were once the power stations of the city due to their proximity to the river and the ease of shipping coal there, they are now arts venues, providing a different kind of energy and light.

Light collection, wet paint, in the process of being built….
So I picked up the work from Trace Elements after being frustrated by the snow.  I had been going to hire a self drive van, however I really didn’t fancy driving an unfamiliar vehicle in the snowy weather so I had to book a last minute art van, I booked through Gallery Services, and they were great.  The driver saved me from having to return on public transport by giving me a lift with the work. Great service!

At the show I had had a conversation with Alex McIntyre which put me on a mission once I got the work back, the four pieces I had there have now been coppered down the edge, which happily looks like rivitted copper bottoms.  These pieces  will be with Why Not Art as a collection from next week.


Then this week I had the delight to be invited to the Curious Duke Gallery for  Chris King’s show No Opportunity For Regret, so as it was on a single bus ride I braved the snow and was so glad I did.  This is the first time I have been to the Curious Duke, I have been wanting to for a while but never quite made it there. I met Eleni Duke, and chatted but flaked out of introducing myself, that will have to wait for another time…The show is quite soulful, urban images empty of people, they reminded me of Hopper,  and then some of them had an intensly graphic sensibility. Really worth going to have a look.

And in reposnse to the clarity I was feeling because of the snow, I decided to follow up on a few opportunities I was still waiting to hear from.  So before the snow melted I had heard back from the No Format Gallery crisply and clearly that I will have a Solo show in November.  Another opportunity I was hoping to hear from by the end of the month has given me  a more snow melty blurry you have been added to the waiting list response, and the third people I contacted simply have not answered my email.

So while the landscape emerges out of its blanket of snow ice and fog I am still hoping for a little more clarity in my plans.