Week 3

The third week of my last semester. I’m doing a fantastic art history course entitled The Space for Art: From Imrpressionism to Relational Aesthetics. So far great, challenging readings and a relaxed atmosphere which is really what you want from art history class.

I’m also juming head first into the mind boggling world of pysical computing through the Arduino platform. Arduino can control things like LED’s, motors, speakers, amp’s and can respond to data entry from a computer or from the external environment.

On our third week of class we reviewed electronics theory (thankfully) and worked on our task to blink an LED that is controlled by switches that variry it’s speed.

PHEW. So I got there abouts with a few hiccups along the way. My code was described as beautiful, nice code…although it didn’t do exactly what I’d thought it would. (sigh).

Oh well, back to the Arduino board…