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Jakub Kreft Layered Reality

My book is about sliced perception of reality in a solid/concrete surrounding.

Kaleb Ostraff Mersey River

The images in my book are taken from a blown up map of the Mersey river. The Mersey river has been central in the development of the Liverpool area. It enabled Liverpool to grow into a large port city. As the river ebbs and flows with the tide it feels like the heart beat of the area. Without this river the surrounding areas would not have progressed like they have.

Lottie Millington Look Out

The fabric lined screen print is based on the Mersey’s waterfront from both sides of the coast. Each side looks out at each other sharing a connection of a single view.

Alexis Fryer Above

My book is a reflection on my visit to the Anglican Cathedral in Liverpool. I was impressed by it’s grandeur and beauty. I was interested in both the size and precision of the architecture and the intricacy of the decoration found in each part of the building.

Keala Kau Textures

This book is a compilation of textures that I collected while getting to know Liverpool and its surrounding areas, over the first couple days of our stay here.