I’m rethinking again. The hanging technique is definitely a go but I’m unsure of the spacing. My wall is bigger than I had planned.

My practice installation seems to show that the gap in-between each work is too big. I don’t know whether to show an extra piece or just decrease the space in-between and add it onto the space at the ends.

Go to find those solutions, maybe it is the drawings themselves.

Only way to find out is to keep working at it.


I know how I’m hanging my work, so all I have to do now is finish making.

I’m so incredibly happy. My first attempt works. I just have to find the drawing that is eluding me.

The tasks of today are:

1. Post catalogues out to people

2. Buy poles to hang work


3. Make, make make

I hope this happiness lasts. I just can’t believe it, it works!


Today someone told me:

“There are no problems, only solutions,”

That is what I’m going to use for these next two weeks. I’ve found many problems today, but I refuse to left them drag me down.


I’m having some trouble finalising my piece. There are five pieces to the work and I’m missing one piece.

No matter how many tries I have nothing seems right. Hopefully I can find a solution if I put my mind to it.


I’m free to do my own work for the next two weeks, but I somehow feel haunted.

My work doesn’t feel right and I’m annoyed at people taking credit for things in the degree show that they haven’t done.

I feel like I need a really good shake, or just something to wake me up.

I want to make brilliant things, but I feel like I’m melting, like I’m dwindling towards the finish line. It’s not a good place to be.