One draft of a film- check.

several saved copies- check

fully rendered film- almost check

next I’m going to perch the laptop on top of the piano, or nearby at least, so I can watch the film and play the piano at the same time and see what fits or how to change the music to make it fit better.


At last!!! I’ve spent the majority of today filming a draft of the stop motion animation film. I say draft because although I’ve used the actual props I think I’ll use for the final film, its more a case of working out whats going to happen, how to cut between two scenes, all experimenty things. Then I can improve it for the final piece.

Although I had forgotten how SLOW the whole process is!!! Especially when the exact angle you want the camera to be at happens to be the one position that the tripod won’t angle to, so you end up compensating by lying at a rather odd angle to balance the tripod, then realise that with both hands holding the tripod, and lying sideways to hold it, you can’t actually move the props to film the animation, let alone find a spare hand to use the camera…


Finally got round to finishing the tiny paper people. YAY! They should all be dry for tomorrow, then I can start filming. :)


plan for today:

step one: start little paper people.

step two: write proposal to use piano instead of keyboard for P.V.

step three: work out exactly how to write a proposal.

step four: send plan to tutors.


Had my group crit today 0.o

Things I learnt:

1.) I can borrow a keyboard with an inbuilt speaker from college.

2.)Keyboards don’t like glissandos. Especially when the sustain function doesn’t work.

3.)I definitely prefer pianos to keyboards.

4.)Telling the group to imagine there was a film to go with the ‘unique’ keyboard playing was probably a bit optimistic.