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It's been some time since I wrote a post, for which I apologise. Last week was an unpleasantly busy week. Unpleasant because most of my busy-ness has not been due to making work but due to things like moving house from borough to tooting on the tube doing a few favours and getting myself organised.

That said I have been able to do some good filming. On Monday Matt Cooper (an Artist and Musician) came down from Nottingham and presented his musical stylings for the camera. I managed to assemble a small crowd of friends and a few beers for the event and it came out really well. I shot the footage in black and white, and used limited spot lighting to enhance the atmosphere and lend it a feel of authenticity. In addition to adjusting the overall appearance to give it an authenticity and age I included a number of incontinuities, red herrings to indicate that something is slightly amiss.

On Thursday I did some filming with Sam Mercer, another Nottingham based Artist, this I shot in colour with the colour levels ramped up and again with patchy spot lighting to create a darker atmosphere and to give it an aged feel. However, This needs further manipulation to get the look just right. Then this morning I interviewed James R Ford, who has worked with the gallery on a number of occasions, this was a fairly straight-forward interview that I will be able to manipulate sufficiently to my own ends, it was also good to be working with someone who I don't know so well as I feel it made the interview process a more natural one.

The difficulty with talking about the filming I am doing on this blog is that, not only do I not want to give too much away before it is done, but also I am not entirely sure how exactly I will use the footage in the final piece, so if this all sounds a bit vague then you might want to look back at the first post which depicts how the project should result, or you can always contact me with questions. I have purposfully left the interviews fairly ambiguous to allow for a multitude of interpretations in the final edit, Indeed some of the footage may even be doctored in such a way that it can be used in two different sections of film so this is tricky