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Working site-specifically – working with solitude – working with architecture

I am currently working on a small project that needs the capacity to re-locate or translate itself.

The interior qualities and histories of St. Mungus Cathedral, Glasgow seem to have taken upon a preoccupation with drawing concerns. The geometric patterns on the floor of the room at the far back left of the ground floor, are developing in to a research project – and I need another space to re-construct this.

A site is needed re-represent the geometry. With each visit to the Cathedral floor, I learn more of its asymmetric probability: I plan to scale the actual floor itself, through drawing, not by entire observation, but by paying certain enclosed attentions to the different patterns that make up the design. In gaining knowledge of these patterns, I reach the actuality of the floor-space and go back to the ‘design’, which then re-forms itself in another space that is ripe for experimentation.

The materials that are to be used will be specific to the new site: such will be the interventions that they work aesthetically as they are temporarily installed. The marketing of the happening will also play a part, translating yet again the actuality of the research.

The research and the activity of measuring and making the drawings, are both intertwined as learning processes: this process will then transcend and apply itself into the negotiation of an exhibition space, as a blank arena, in which to ‘work out’ and plan, construct and re-conceive.


Another element of research finds its beginnings in the make-up of Leeds’ new city museum that opened in 2008. Upon making friends with an assistant who worked there I managed to locate and attain a number of wooden panels that had some sort of use or pre-function: some sort of history that is unknown to me.

The strange thing is that they have perfect circular holes cut in them, the same point on each one.

I have begun to construct some sort of language with these boards: but they need a place to temporarily re-establish themselves….

Masking tape seems to be playing a part again, as some of them hang in my studio, left for days a then a little more is teased out of them

I’ve had them since April 2009: I wonder where they will end up.

Off hangs a tape measure: not so sure what this is for yet…