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“… it was a bank holiday so we decided to escape the city and soft-top convertible our way towards a new studio. As summer was beginning to find its place upon the banks of the loch we took a minor road and parked upon a verge. There we took a walk, we walked, we found fifty pounds and bought ourselves an expensive lunch and a shandy or two. Ten minutes down we entered in to character – there, aside a pond and upon the rocks we came across something other than ourselves…”

(Passage from ‘escapades’, 1985)

Homage ‘too’ characterisation too (self-versus-another) – see video

With self-characterisation there is an element of performance through histories, balances, extraordinary linkages and staring with one side of you in to the other. This eludes to the creation of researched drawings, tight, singular graphite creations that come from a variety of interrogation and experiments… these come at the end so do NOT expect them now. They come at the end like the illustration of a dialogue.

A necessary process is to play one thing forward and then to create a duplicate of this to, at the same time, play in reverse. Therein you will spot connections, discrepancies and ways forward. This is also explorative of measurement, how does one thing measure itself against another… This gives way to open space: what is open can be measured in more modes than that of simple scale/size, there are certain things immeasurable so you just have to make documentation in its stead and hope to gain something from there. To gain something from observation through ‘documentation’: the docuperformer. Documenting the documenter.

There is something here – something explored through having two equal measured spaces next to each other. What do you then make homage too but your own histories and accounts of character that amount to you occupying this space…? What then is the definition of ‘versus’? One team versus another, one person versus another: one artist versus the character that made him or the characters that this artist then makes. Where are these characters made and what is needed for them to exist and should they have any essence of cross-division. What does it mean to bring the outside in to the measurable inside…

Racoon likes Chinese lanterns
This is one such character

How should it then be described? And what should then be used to document it? And what exactly is ‘it’? Perhaps a story would then suffice… a link please.