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10th September 2008

Grisedale Tarn (Wind over Lake)

Paul writes:

Stark and deep, hidden between mountains, discharging into the glaciated valley. At first sight, anxieties rose.

Today, high wind turned the water into a sea, making swimming across the tarn more of a challenge than we had anticipated. Wind chill was high and the water temperature, tested when back on shore, was 11 degrees.

On the drive to Richard’s, I’d listened to the cheers of the scientists at Cern as the beginnings of their experiment to recreate the aftermath of the Big Bang proved successful – an attempt to retreat in time.

Throughout the day we explored the meaning of John Cheever’s reference to the enlargement of the day’s beauty.

Wild swimming brings focus on the here and now – the essentials and the minutiae of experience, slowing and lengthening time.

Later, we agreed that our openness to ideas and thoughts brought about by our activity enlarges our experience, awareness and creativity, and in this aesthetic lies the art.

Descending, we gathered stones for the hexagram – “Wind over Lake”.

The day was truly enlarged.