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People came to see the work on the Thursday and Saturday open days for TEN MONDAYS and I had several interesting conversations including one about repetition and ritual. This has extended my ideas about how to continue and develop the water collecting. And also made me think about the rhythms of this residency.

Drawing the ten leaves was a way to start each week, to deal with the ‘blank sheet’ of the day. The weekly reading opened out ideas and stretched the skin of limits, of the stuck edges of my thinking.


Finally the map worked – a folded A4 sheet, free to take and find the water places for yourself. There are more watery holes and streams to discover, more damp fields to cross and fences to struggle over.

The regular days of the residency have been useful to focus attention, to make time for ideas to come up and to work on them away from the distraction of the computer and all the other parts of my life.

How to continue? I think a half day per week at a desk, light and airy, would suffice, somewhere away from home. Have to keep my ears open for an opportunity. The rhythm of a disciplined approach is fruitful.

Residencies provide stimulation for me. Writing the blog has provided space for reflection and consideration.

I took the show down today, the eleventh Monday and painted over the inscriptions. A project completed.

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