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Ridiculous. A very very long time since my last post.

The trouble is that I'm not entirely sure what this blog is for, and previous blogs of mine have never been kept well. What does blogging do for anyone's artistic career? Or for the audience's interest in art? Does anyone care about the processes behind my work or the jobs behind running a gallery?

I guess there is probably interest in the latter from those wanting to do something similar, or perhaps someone at undergraduate level. I doubt anyone is interested in anything else I could possibly write.

I always find reading blogs of minimal interest, and without a doubt the vast majority of them are nothing more than a "dear diary" exercise- nothing worth saying, more of a "thinking through" of one's own thoughts. The obvious contradiction in this scenario is the fact that you are publishing these thoughts on to the most public of places. How genuine can your written feelings be, if you know they are open for scrutiny? There is no way I will allow myself to open up completely on this blog, as my real doubts are things I don't even say to my friends and colleagues.

Anyway, I'll keep this blog going as long as I can, but no promises as to the content. I recognise I have already surpassed the stage of self-reflexive vacuity that I hate to read in other people's blogs, for which I must apologise. Blah blah blah bloggyblogbog