The artist would like to extend her grateful thanks to a-n for awarding her a RE:view bursary. Her mental state has transcended to new levels of idiosyncratic invincibility.

Cullinan falls into a rapsodic idyll over the manufactured artifice engineered by living legend David Bowie in his primary alterego Ziggy Stardust to launch his semi-ascendent star in 70’s America.

The revelation that all are as one with each other but each’s mirror reflects varying shine is no small earthshaker to the artist’s current mindset.

With an availablity of FICTION FREE FOR ALL; Cullinan asks you join her personal visions for a BIG future.


Climactic conditions threaten to overthrow the most finely executed of time parameters. Plans had been made to convene with the great and good at


a frisson frenzy had been anticipated, expected to be replaced however, by nomadic vehicular transportation of the red plastic variety. A spell of chilled oxidisation will be most welcome after a week of visual electronic theorising.

As Easter approaches with only 72 hours of opportunal making for Cicatrix Macula left; Cullinan is eternally thankful for the skilled renderings of her technical assistant who perpetually makes good the wanderings of an idlemind. Chariots at the ready! Over 18’s only for…….


(to speak once is never enough)

The artist is mindful of neighbours who do not understand the idiosyncrasies of performance art, it’s vestiges and their home storage……


Heightened productivity abounds the studio. Following personal dissemination on Cicatrix Macula (paratus), a collaboration, which will debut at

the artist judges that in depth revelations on


reveal that repetitive presentations of which may not be necessary in this solo environment.

Pondering RE:view opportunities have occupied the forefrontal cortex of Cullinan’s creative activity in the most recent immediacy. A momentary ceassation of #FridayFailure proved to be a vacation of sorts but not productive in the goal of practice promotion. Remember: A cautious eye is aware at all times that the velocity of the vessel is the only thing that truelly matters.


The artist seeks the truth within surrounding elemental situations.

A period of extended positive image projection residing in the cerebral cavity challenges this practice.

Connectivity in motion.


Reality and perception of time limitations leads to the Confused mind causing Indecision.

Conceptual realisations repeated ad infinitum fail to prove the existance of many individual thought processes.

To apreciate truth negates the actuality of content.

Postive views of the artist contrast with negative mindmotions in numerous concrete forms.

Money continues to be the root of all evil and the friend of few.

A pertained perfection permeates pausity.


Time is real.

Drawing is good.

Finish everthing.

Cutting and sticking wins prizes.

Being serious helps.

This is art.


A ponderance of thought seeks to step forth on a line of personal reportage.

Only yesterday did the artist have chance to challenge personally held mythical beliefs in the face of her youth-driven reminiscence. Visions of ‘traje de luces’, vaporously remembered. The city of Birmingham, holding a virginal attraction, newness and promise in it’s grasp; did not disappoint.

The meeting of like and unlike minds together as a whole yet individualist group cannot fail to energise the insecurities and inadequacies of self, ones own self justification falling short, in spectacular splendour when in the company of plentifully minded potential collaborators. The compilation of source reading is at these events a vital necessity for fear of falling again into the vacant chasm of ignoramity. To find an opportunity for life’s suspension, a gap in the time continuum allowing for inquiry; gives yearing for a durational period to fully experience and immerse oneself in the fullness of each and every candidates nature is a brief and tantalisingly false hope.

Distillation of ideas formulates plans equating to:

MAKE=HAPPEN (when self instruction is uppermost)

SELF=SUCCESS (when self combines with action)

COLLABORATION=WORK (in presence of newity)

Lotteriological thinking is now primary.

Keep the faith, stay out of the cupboard.