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Let us try this out.

I am a great believer in free and open source software [FOSS] I get to use well developed and exciting products, with great user group support and end up making donations to their costs because I find the gain in productivity is worth it.

I am going to use the Stable Diffusion offering Stable Diffusion, get started for free and I want to start with a short poem by Ezra Pound

The apparition of these faces in the crowd: Petals, on a wet, black bough
In a Station of the Metro. 1913

When I put this text into Stable Diffusion, a few seconds go by and then 4 images are offered, here is one of them

boring even. time to try and understand how to drive this stuff and make it work stable diffusion syntax explained

so i guess that I’ve been too ambitious for in asking for an interpretation of a minimalist poem

I cut the scope of the problem to “wet night, crowded station”

still quite photographic,

try “wet night, crowded station; oil on canvas” and even worse, “wet night, crowded station; oil on canvas;renoir”