Viewing single post of blog The Diary Project

Well, The Diary Project is ticking along quite nicely now – in fact, it's hard to believe that I'm into the sixth month already. Doing the envelope became a satisfying daily habit very quickly and I haven’t missed a single one yet.

Unfortunately I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, which can often be quite disabling and some days getting my envelope done is a major achievement. But being committed to producing that one small piece of art a day, even when I don’t feel like it, has been very good for both my practice and my moral.

Doing the envelopes themselves is usually fine, although I have the occasional day when it’s really challenging, usually when I’m ill. However, getting into a regular rhythm with updating the project blog took longer. Thankfully I’m now firmly in the habit of scanning, uploading and posting the scanned drawings weekly.

As is invariably the case with any art project, doing the documentation seems to take twice as long as making the actual art! But I’ve overcome my usual slowness with documentation by regarding the blog as an artwork in its own right.