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Artist Statement

With my work I wish to take the viewer on a journey, to experience a surreal, dream-like world, where there exists no limits or boundaries.

By creating beings that embrace the paradoxical, the unexpected and the imaginary, my aim is to release the shackles of reality and provide a doorway that leads to a land of escapism.

Presenting the works as traditional ceramic objects, my intention is to draw the viewer in and establish a sense of familiarity. Upon closer observation of the works, I wish to surprise the viewer with mysterious beings that are both at once weird and wonderful.

I wish to create a fantastical world, where mythical creatures exist and defy traditional normality, I invite the viewer the question everyday reality.

In exploring 3D imaging, I am questioning what makes something appear real or unreal. A photograph on paper can be in equal proportions, real and unreal, but does creating a 3D image mean that the subject pictured, is more likely to exist in reality?

My work combines opposing materials such as ceramics and fabrics, plastics and synthetic hair in order to challenge traditional combinations of materials. The use of bright, playful colours references childhood toys, and brings with it an expectation of innocence. By combining animal and doll parts together I aim to question the depiction of the female gender reproduced in traditional ceramic forms.

Repeatedly, certain characteristic female qualities are idealised and encapsulated within porcelain ornaments, which are destined to adorn the hearths and dressers of our homes. By distorting elements of traditional ceramic figurines, I aim to provide an antithesis to the commonplace figures, which are repeatedly cast and mass-produced for the worldwide marketplace.

Nicola Spencer