Viewing single post of blog The Mourning Stone Project and beyond……

Jane Fox has been making drawings along the chalk pathways of the South Downs. Some mark time forward and time backwards as the artist moves through the landscape, and others have been made by the action of scrubbing. This work is connected to a series of wind drawings, which are similarly built up on the page through encountering the elements and matter of Downland walking.

The scrub drawings encounter the surface of the chalk pathways on Mount Caburn, Kingston Ridge and at Birling Gap and are made in direct contact with the ground. They interact with the human processes of maintaining pathways through collective wear, building up and erasing at the surface of both paper and path.

The scrub drawings seek to engage with the production of something through the processes of loss, and connect to forces in the landscape that effect both change and maintenance across time and space.

Test scrub drawings – studio floor on found paper