Viewing single post of blog The night the crocodile eat the moon

Getting back on track

Things were going so well then I got a bit lost, took a wrong turn, did some other stuff, now I am getting back on track…Well a track of some sort .I took what I think to be the last of the work to the framers yesterday for two local art events coming up. The now very large East Cheshire Hospice Art Fair, and the new (or revived) Barnaby festival, both in Macclesfield. The Barnaby festival in June looks very exciting. I will be submitting some monotypes for the White Galleries show at Al Panino’s cafe, the theme is the surrounding countryside.

The hospice art fair is not till October but they want the list for the catalogue next month so I needed to get the stuff together early. So with that done I am ready to start some new work something I am always very excited about. I am after catching me a crocodile this time… honest.

