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Fantastic Barnaby, Feeling a Failure and Painting with Pants.

What a weekend! as well as all the other usual weekend stuff with the kids it was the first of the revived Macclesfield Barnaby Festivals. There was so much going on we did as much as we could. Parade, fate, street entertainment and as many of the visual art exhibitions as I could manage with the kids. This usually involves me slipping off by myself or dragging complaining children with me. This time the clever organisers had put together a quiz for the children with a question to answer at most of the shows. Mine loved it and wanted to move eagerly on to the next. This also signalled to me that my children would be welcomed at these events something I am sometimes concerned about.

As for the failure I was rather disappointed with my contribution to the art at al Panino group show. I had submitted three pieces but the one I liked the least was the one that got hung. With so much other fantastic work around I felt a bit embarrassed by it. I have much stronger pieces but none fitted the bill of the surrounding countryside . It made me wonder about submitting any work that I am not completely satisfied with, but then I may just as well crawl back under my rock as I am not sure I am ever satisfied with anything.

Oh well moving on to pants, I have discovered I love painting with them..I had cleared out the kids draws and removed all their outgrown undies, about to put them out I thought they will do for studio rags. Now I find that I start painting with my brush then pick up the pants to wipe something away, only to find an hour or so later I still have the pants in my hand. Working away with them instead of my brushes.