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Our assessments for our final degree pieces are happening in a few days and it’s a frantic time for everyone. The technician’s time seems to be very limited and access to power in the workshops is also difficult due to the lack of technician’s time…… Also with no technicians, no one can get up above two steps on a small step-ladder. It’s all a perfect recipe for end of degree anxiety!!!! But we all carry on. Yesterday a student got told by a maintenance member of staff that she couldn’t hammer nails into a wall that she had been hammering nails into for the last three or four days!!!…….. Luckily our Head of Fine Arts got on the case quickly and sorted it out, with a normal sensible service being resumed without too much chaos…….. or the student in question having a breakdown! Welcome to the Degree Show!!! To add to my personal anxiety around setting up my own degree-piece, I managed to lose my wallet. It contained my pass / door entry card for Uni and all of my bank cards etc….. Not helpful just at this point in time…… I had put off reporting it for a few days, then finally cancelled my cards yesterday only to find it down the sofa today….. Welcome to Degree Show anxiety!!!


On a positive note, I feel I have been very lucky finding a whole strata of sculpture that really excites me on the internet. It’s weird, suddenly there’s a whole load of inspiring stuff, but I am at the end of my course and am likely to end up in a situation where I am without the great resources at Uni to make big sculpture….. That is, unless on go on to do a Master’s which I am not sure I can cope with……..Damn and blast this cruel world!!!


I have been particularly excited by work by Nacho Carbonell and especially his sculptures in his ‘Tree Chair’s Family’ series.


Nacho Carbonnell says,
“Tree Chair issues from a fairytale-like
fantasy about a wooden chair that looks
out of the window one day and realizes
that it used to be just like the trees
outside. Yearning to return to its former
state, the chair grows to become a hybrid
tree-chair. Users can choose to sit on it
‘normally’ but can also climb into the
upper part via the ladder, from which
position they can observe events below
from a safe place on high or – even
better – can roll up and take a nap…”
From: (http://nachocarbonell.com/work/2014/12/03/tree-chairs-family)


I also completely love JonLuc Cornec’s Sheep installations. The sculptures forming the installations are made from 1960’s/1970’s telephones handsets and cables. Cornec calls the overall study ‘TrubuT’

Sheep 2015

Corec’s explains that the sculptural ideas regarding the sheep just fell into place… the perfect heads needed no alteration, the cable for the phones worked perfectly for wool. He even found that when the ring tones were slowed down, they sounded like an electronic ‘baa!’


Anyway, blog suspended for now…… I’m off to Uni to paint picket fencing I made yesterday for my installation….the stupidity of it all!