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And so it seems that I only feel inspired to write this blog as a form of…I hesitate to use the word therapy here…avoiding the bitter cold of my studios isolates negative thoughts towards art that human contact dispels.

I've spent the day performing mind-numbing admin tasks and panicking over which direction I should be taking to have "an art career" when I should have been volunteering at Surface Gallery or creating artwork. Perhaps the secret to achieving things is not to dream about the outcome but to keep doing the small actions until one day you realise you have become an expert in something you enjoy…or perhaps its something much, much more cynical to do with networking events and well-placed contacts. Is is possible to be a successful artist by spending the winter wrapped up in a duvet? Maybe one day I'll lose weight by continuing my office-induced diet of biscuits too.

But enough cynicism for today – if nothing else I will get my bloody website running tonight, or at least e-mail the technician and beg for help.

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