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The last couple of days in the studio have been very productive. I have had tutorials with my three tutors which has got me thinking about how to develop my work. Also I have progressed with my nurse painting.

Drawing on the canvas ready to paint

Beginning to add colour [oil on canvas]

Working in the studio

Applying thick impasto to the canvas has been very satisfying.

I’ve also been drawing into the wet oils with soft oil pastel. This has allowed me to take control of the image when it begins to become lost under layers of paint. At the moment I am happy with the painting. This is a first as I’ve never felt that past paintings have looked how I envisaged them in my head. However, I know that at any moment when I add a layer of paint or a new colour everything can change. I’ve still got a long way to go as I need to add more tone and detail.

I’m going to leave the painting for a few days as the paint is very wet and it could become a big mess if I continue working on it. Also I need to think about the significance of the objects on the tables in the room. Should they blend into the background or are they of importance? At the moment I am thinking the two photographs are symbolic and should be painted in red. The shoes the nurse is wearing are also going to be red. This will be a metaphor to what is going on in her mind. Red shoes are a link to Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz. I keep coming back to that film! Is the nurse Dorothy?