Just prior to this commission I made DO IT! a series of signs that are currently located inside and outside South Hill Park Berkshire, as part of At Play (2) curated by Outi Remes and Cally Trench.

The aim of the signs is to address the viewer / reader directly with an action to follow, in the same way that the texts on the hoarding will do.

At the opening of At Play (2) I led visitors on a tour of the signs, and invited people to follow each instruction.

At the sign that says Sing Your Favourite Song To the Birds, a small girl said her favourite song was Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and so children and adults sang this song to the birds in the tree overhead.

At Play included work by Mary Anderson, Emily Bailey, Jackie Berridge, Tineke Bruijnzeels, Sean Caves, Felicity Clarke, Stephen Conning, Sergio Cruz, Alex Dewart, Caitriona Dunnett, Helen Edling, Helen Flanagan, James R. Ford, Clara Garcia Fraile, Linda Francis, Freya Gabie, Francesca Galeazzi, Amy Galloway, Judy Goldhill, Paul Greco, Lesley Halliwell, David Hockney, Clare Johnson, Daniel Lehan, Katy Merrington, Arnaud Moinet, Elizabeth Murton, Nicola Pomery, Joanna Salter, Kay Sentance, Cally Trench, Nick Trench, Imogen Welch, and Mary Yacoob.